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  • 2025 Notice on Dissertation Review for Postgraduates
  • Author:  Editor:  Source:   ClickTimes:; Date:2025-01-13
  • 1. School/Hospital Review

    All hospitals/schools must complete their assessment of dissertations by April 1st.

    To participate in the dissertation review, applicants must:

    Fill in the Registration Form for Dissertation Review (Attachment 1) and send it electronically to the following email: pgsiswmu@163.com by January 25th.

    Name the file in the format: “student ID + name”.

    2. Submission of the Electronic Version of Dissertation

    Applicants will participate in the dissertation review organized by their school/hospital (please confirm the deadline with your school/hospital).

    Submit the electronic version of your dissertation in .pdf format on the website: http://wmu.lwglxt.com (use your student ID as the password and account number).

    All schools/hospitals must complete their review before April 1st. Applicants can check their review comments on the Fanke platform starting April 12th.

    From April 12th to 14th, applicants can revise their dissertations based on the feedback received.

    If you pass the review, upload your thesis for external review to the Fanke platform by April 15th. After uploading, the school/hospital will confirm the process by April 17th.

    Important Tips:

    The electronic dissertation must be in PDF format.

    Include the cover and table of contents, and the cover should mention the subject specialization and type (academic/professional).

    Omit all identifying information (e.g., author name, supervisor name, acknowledgements, and appendices) from the dissertation submitted for review. Dissertations containing this information will not be reviewed.

    3. Time and Location for Material Submission

    Submit all required materials (Attachment 2) to your school/hospital's postgraduate office on time (dates may vary but generally February 27th to 28th).

    The school/hospital will verify the materials and reject any that don’t meet the requirements. They will then submit the approved dissertations and materials to the School of International Studies by March 21st.

    Only one copy of the published paper that meets the application requirements should be submitted to the School of International Studies.

                                                                   School of International Studies

                                                                     Wenzhou Medical University

                                                                        January 13, 2025


    Attachment1:Registration Form for Dissertation Review.xlsx

    Attachment2:Required Materials.zip