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  • 2006年04月 成立国际教育学院,开始招收英语授课医学专业学历留学生
    SIS was established to enroll fulltime overseas medical students in Apr. 2006

    2006年10月 开始招收临床医学专业学历留学生
    Enrolled fulltime overseas students into MBBS program in Oct. 2006

    2007年07月 列入教育部招收本科临床医学专业(英语授课)留学生高等学校名单
    Listed among the 30 universities for overseas students in MBBS program by Ministry of Education in Jul. 2007

    2007年10月 开始招收口腔医学专业学历留学生
    Started to enroll overseas students in BDS program in Oct. 2007

    2008年和2013年 荣获“浙江省高校外国留学生教育工作优秀单位”称号
    Honored as Distinguished Higher Education Institution for Foreign Students, Zhejiang Province in 2008 and 2013

    2009年和2014年 荣获“来华留学生教育先进集体”称号
    Honored as National Distinguished Higher Education Institution for Foreign Students in 2009 and 2014

    2011年5月 获准接收中国政府奖学金来华留学生

    Listed in Directory of Chinese Higher Institution Admitting Chinese Government Scholarship Winners from Different Countries in May 2011

    2015年10月 开始招收药学专业学历留学生(与药学院联合管理)
    Enrolled fulltime overseas students into Pharmacy Program in Oct. 2015 (co-management with School of Pharmaceutical Sciences )

    2016年2月 获批与波兰卢布林医科大学共建华佗项目,2016年10月开始招收“1+3+2”中外联合培养临床医学项目留学生
    The joint establishment of Huatuo Program with the Medical University of Lublin in Poland was approved in Feb. 2016 and enrolled overseas students in WMU-MUL Dual MBBS Program (1+3+2) in Oct. 2016