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  • 国际学生“Movie Night”观影活动:寓教于乐,定格难忘时刻
  • 作者:张筠扬  编辑:肖志成  来源: 学生工作办公室  浏览:; 时间:2025-03-03
  • The Movie Night for International Students: Learning Through Fun, Capturing Unforgettable Moments.

    近日,一场有趣的“Movie Night”观影活动在国际交流中心顺利举行,吸引国际学生踊跃参与。此次活动将安全教育班会与文艺活动巧妙结合,现场气氛热烈,学生反响积极。让我们一起回顾这场活动吧!

    Recently, a unique "Movie Night" event was successfully held at the International Exchange Center, attracting international students. Combining safety education with cultural activities, the event created a lively atmosphere and received enthusiastic feedback from participants. Let’s take a look back at this memorable evening!


    The event was co-organized by the Graduate Student Committee and the Art and Literary Committee, bringing together students from diverse cultural backgrounds to create a warm and inclusive atmosphere. The venue was transformed into a cozy mini-theater, where the acclaimed Chinese animated film "Ne Zha 2019" was screened. The movie’s engaging storyline and cultural depth resonated with the audience, allowing students to appreciate the charm of Chinese culture and draw inspiration from Ne Zha’s perseverance.


    The event exceeded expectations in terms of attendance, with students from undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs joining in. Many freshmen shared their thoughts, saying, “This was the warmest evening since leaving home. The movie and interactions brought us closer together.”


    The event not only provided a chance for students to unwind but also reminded everyone to value the time spent together and the memories created amidst their busy academic lives. For many, this evening will remain a cherished memory. If the success of this first Movie Night is any indication, it is poised to become a cherished tradition in campus culture, continuing to enrich student life in the future.


    After the event, students enthusiastically discussed their thoughts on the movie, expressing how much they enjoyed it. Following this, counselor Zhang Junyang reiterated the importance of safety education, covering topics such as fire safety, dormitory safety, and religious. The combination of education and entertainment allowed students to gain knowledge and build friendships in a relaxed setting. Many students described it as a joyful and meaningful evening, where they made new friends, relieved academic stress, and eagerly anticipated the next event! This activity not only provided a platform for cross-cultural exchange but also laid the foundation for a more inclusive and vibrant campus community, with plans to continue it as a semester tradition.